
Rhythm ensemble and improvisation on ten basic rhythms.
KUSABI is used for the end of the part.

1,Kinoe -甲  (4/4)   2,Kinoto -乙 (3/4)
3,Hinoe -丙 (4/4)   4,Hinoto -丁 (5/8)
5,Tutinoe -戊 (4/4)  6,Tutinoto -己 (7/8)
7,Kanoe -庚 (4/4)   8,Kanoto -辛 (9/8)
9,Mizunoe -壬 (4/4) 10,Mizunoto -癸 (10/4)

Note: Sample sounds are not exactly the same as score.
All rhythm and phrases are Open source.

The meanings of five elements.


Quick Reference

#1甲 Kinoe


#2乙 Kinoto


#3丙 Hinoe


#4丁 Hinoto


#5戊 Tutinoe


#6己 Tutinoto

#7庚 Kanoe


#8辛 Kanoto


#9壬 Mizunoe

#10癸 Mizunoto